Setting Up MCSync Permissions (Spigot)
Overview of Permissions
Below is an overview of the permissions available with the plugin:
- mcsyncPermissions.Overide: This permission node will give that user access to the server, regardless of whether or not they're subscribed to the streamers account
- mcsyncPermissions.SubTier1: Permission given to Tier1 subscribers
- mcsyncPermissions.SubTier2: Permission given to Tier2 subscribers
- mcsyncPermissions.SubTier3: Permission given to Tier3 subscribers
Note: This version of the plugin requires the use of LuckPerms.
If you would like to check if a user has a specific permission node, you can use the following command.
/lp user <username> permission info
Customizing Permissions with PermissionMode
To further customize permissions with MCSync, we can take advantage of the permissionsMode option. permissionsMode has two valid setting, "group" and "node"
When permissionsMode is set to "group", rather than giving a joining user the listed permission node, it will instead add that user to the corresponding LuckPerms group.
For example, let's take the below code block;
permissionsMode: group
overide: mcsyncPermissions.Overide
sub-t1: SubTier1
In this example code block, when a user joins the server, it will assign them to the LuckPerms permission role of SubTier1. It will not add the permission node SubTier1.
When permissionMode is set to "node", rather than it assigning a user to a permissions group, it will simply add the corresponding permission node to that user specifically. This can be useful to some users, that like to code their own creations.
For example, when set to node, server owners that run the Plugin "Skript" may just want to say
if player has permission "mcsyncPermissions.SubTier1"
when programming their unique creation and want to check if a user has that node.
Need Help?
If you encounter issues or need further assistance, feel free to contact us on our Discord Support Server by creating a ticket or asking the community.