Using the React Command
If you're looking to let all users in your Discord Community on your server, we've created the React Role to do this.
When you run this command, the MCSync bot will post a message embed in the channel you ran the command in.
When users react to this embed using the "👍" emoji, the bot will assign them the "MCSync Override" Role.
Anyone that has the Override role will bypass the Access Control with MCSync allowing them on the server regardless of whether or not they're subscribed to the streamer. However, while this will allow all users on the server, they will still get checked by the Permissions side of MCSync. Should that user not be a T1-T3 Sub, they will be assigned your Default Rank/Role.
If a Subscriber reacts to the embed, the bot will still grant them the Override role, but based on code flow, they will still be assigned to their respective Permissions group/node.
⬇️ Below is an example of how the embed looks.